Thursday, April 30, 2020

MANET Routing Protocol In VANET Research Form

Question: Describe about the Report for MANET Routing Protocol In VANET of Research Form. Answer: Executive Summary of the Research Performed I have been working on the topic MANET Routing Protocol In VANET where the focus has been on handling the wireless networks with employing the short range to the medium range communication. Coming up with the research from the different research paper, I came through the Intelligent Transportation System for the Vehicular networks which helps me to focus on handling the congestion, safety and the resource consumption. For this, I have been reviewing the articles like: -VEWE: A Vehicle ECU Wireless Emulation Tool Supporting OBD-II Communication and Geo-positioning. - Trust On the Security of Wireless Vehicular Ad-hoc Networking. The topic is vast and holds different aspects to be considered. Some papers focus on the communication implementation between the different vehicles by V2V or V2R through the technology of VANET. But, the main result is for improving and working on the problem of traffic management, with the speed. The performance is for the fast movement with the mobility rate pattern. Hence, after going through the different research papers, I will be working on the VANET which involves the sending and the receiving of the messages between the different vehicles. Hence, minimizing the accidents on the road side. Through this, there will be a designing algorithm for the VANET system which provides the packet transmission reliability without time delay along with the maximum throughput. To overcome the flaws of the GPCR algorithm, a step forward design has to be taken into consideration.