Monday, February 17, 2020

Prep 12 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Prep 12 - Essay Example In genetic variation, probability measures the possible gene variations that may occur in the future generation. In genetic drift process, rapid change in gene variation is readily noticeable in small reproductive isolated population. (Zimmer & Emlen, 2013). Smaller population is more affected by genetic drift due to less allele to balance out the effect of random changes. Small population also increases the likelihood of inbreeding that negatively affects the changes in allele frequencies over time, allowing recessive genes to be dominant over a small population hence causing the rapid genetic variation. For example, from the above experiment there is an explicit indication of abnormal frequency outcome from two flip coin results compared to a fifty flip coin results. Factors affecting Allele frequencies: various factors can cause the dominance of allele in a given population. These factors include genetic isolation that refers to the separation of potentially interbreeding animals. This condition reduces the chances of balancing allele frequency by facilitating the development of a less dominant allele into the future generation. Selective sexual selection affects the allele frequency where only particular phenotypes get selected by mates. The allele of the chosen ones increases in the frequency and those not chosen will decrease. For example in peacock, fancy feathers males are chosen to reproduce. Another factor is genetic drift that occurs in small populations. Chance, mating, or luck can dramatically change the frequency of alleles in the small gene pool. Buri experiment: He set up over 100 replicate populations of 16 Drosophilla flies and follows each population for many generations to measure variation in allele frequency. All of the population used in the experiment begun with 8 males and 8 females that were all heterozygous for an eye color mutation. Drosophila eye coloration for genotype was easily observed. He took 3 different genotypes which

Monday, February 3, 2020

The Caregiver Chosen by God Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Caregiver Chosen by God - Dissertation Example The situation becomes even more complicated if the patient is the caregiver’s own mother who had to deal not only with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia but also with a leg amputation. Providing this special patient the continuum of care while ensuring the patient’s comfort and dignity, is profoundly challenging and physically taxing (Lindstrom, et al., 2011). Further confounding the intricacy of caregiving for a family member is the negativity connoted in the workplace for employees who are honest enough to disclose their dual role as caregivers of the elderly at home, in terms of promotions and pay raises (Hendershott, 2000). This researcher had first hand experience in this regard, to the point of having lost both her job and her house. It is not unusual, though, that despite awareness of the travails of caregivers, many good-hearted individuals are being drawn towards this line of work. The essence of care giving dates back to biblical times as recounted by Je sus Christ, himself, in his parable of the good Samaritan (Luke 10:29-37). The good Samaritan took care of a wounded man he passed by on the roadside, offered the man a place to stay and commissioned someone to take care of the man until he is well.